Portrait | Eddy, Traci, & Liam

Here’s a beautiful love story in a nutshell. Girl (that’s me) meets Traci in college and they go on some crazy adventures together while studying abroad in South America. Then, girl meets Eddy the first day of grad school on the East Coast and he remains her only true friend throughout the gruesome academic experience. Coincidentally, all three persons end up in the Bay Area. Girl invites Traci and Eddy to a music festival, they hit it off, start dating soon after, and marry several years later. Take a look at the photos below to see how pretty darn sweet the story ends. Liam is one lucky dude to have been born into a family of such great talent and love. I wish them a life of playfulness and joy together as they unravel their path of family-hood.









Local Favorite: Local 123 & Flowerland

Summer is flying by so enjoy the sunshine and coffee at Local 123’s newest location at Flowerland Nursery and Store. Local 123’s retro Airstream coffee trailer is hard to miss. You can choose to relax in the patio or meander the grounds while sipping an espresso drink and eating a pastry. Recently written up in Dwell Magazine’s website this coffee-house-on-wheels and nursery combination is a true hidden gem, which will be quickly unearthed.